reception theory


1) What are the preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings for the RBK 50 Cent advert? 
The preferred reading is that 50 cent is empowering viewers.

the oppositional reading is that reebok is promoting criminal lifestyles.

2) What are the preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings for the advert of your own choice that you analysed for last week's work?

The preferred reading is that circuses should be abolished.
the negotiated reading is that the tradition of circuses should go on.
the oppositional reading is that working with animals keeps them intelligent and agile.

3) How useful is Reception theory when analysing media products?

Reception theory is very useful when analysing media products as it allows us to interpret things in many different ways. People from different backgrounds may interpret things differently, for example, the reebok advert- people with a more privileged background would think that 50 cent is promoting criminal lifestyles as he says 'where I'm from theres no plan B'. However, they would think that there is always an alternative plan because thats how it is for them. There is a way out. Whereas people from a less privileged background, specifically minorities wouldn't have that many options as their route would always be harder than others. The ladder will always be steeper. So 50 cents quote would be more impactful to them than others as they don't share the same experiences.


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