
Showing posts from October, 2022

reception theory

  1) What are the preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings for the RBK 50 Cent advert?  T he  preferred  reading is that 50 cent  is  empowering viewers. the oppositional reading is that reebok is promoting criminal lifestyles. 2)  What are the preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings for the advert of your own choice that you analysed for last week's work? The preferred reading is that circuses should be abolished. the negotiated reading is that the tradition of circuses should go on. the oppositional reading is that working with animals keeps them intelligent and agile. 3) How useful is Reception theory when analysing media products? Reception theory is very useful when analysing media products as it allows us to interpret things in many different ways. People from different backgrounds may interpret things differently, for example, the reebok advert- people with a more privileged background would think that 50 cent is promoting criminal lifestyles as he says 'w

reading an image

 READING AN IMAGE In this image, Reebok uses typographic codes to emphasise "I am what I am". perhaps this means that 50 cent is reclaiming his identity and his past. This could also be considered as an enigma code . The symbolic code used for the O's could be emblematic of bullet holes which could be a reference to 50 cents past. However, the anchorage text suggests that 50 cent is empowering the youth as he is speaking about the limited choices he had growing up and to seize the moment because "tomorrow is not promised". Perhaps the finger prints suggests that his choices were to either end up in the system or 'make it out' as a rapper. Reebok may have been targeting teenagers/ young adults. I can infer this from the sideways cap and the black and white print. In this image, LPDA deliberately uses symbolic code to emphasise the abuse and torment circus animals go through. The clown paint shows the lion to be the source of entertainment. The cage als


  1) What meanings are the audience encouraged to take about the two main characters from the opening of the film? Initially, the audience is encouraged to believe that the two characters are ' hood rats '. This is illustrated through the way in which they  disturb the sleeping man and the camera then zooms into the main characters  pocket- suggesting that he has a weapon. 2) How does the end of the film emphasise de Saussure’s belief that signs are polysemic – open to interpretation or more than one meaning? It is revealed to the audience that the two characters are deaf. The plot twist changes the audiences view on the main character's previous actions and reinforces the 'don't judge a book by its cover' idiom.  1) What did Ferdinand de Saussure suggest are the two parts that make up a sign? the signifier and the signified 2) What does ‘polysemy’ mean? something that has more than one meaning. 3) What does Barthes mean when he suggests signs can become ‘natur