Industries - Ownership and control

Media conglomerate research

Name of media conglomerate:

Conglomerate ownership:
What brands, companies or media products is the conglomerate best known for?
  • Facebook 
  • Instagram
  • Whats App
Vertical and horizontal integration
What example can you find of vertical or horizontal integration for this conglomerate?

Facebook and Instagram are examples of vertical integration as they are part of the same industry.They  share similar production stages in their photo sharing services.

A horizontal example is that it provides applications on many devices and APIs that allow messages to be delivered to and from its communication platform.

Synergy and convergence
What examples of synergy can you find in the promotion or distribution of the media product?

Social media apps can be downloaded from the app store.

What example can you find of diversification for your conglomerate?

Onavo: Israeli mobile web
Horizon worlds: Online video game

Cross media regulation 
Can you find any examples of the conglomerate getting into trouble with government regulators due to their business model?

Meta has lost billions of dollars in advertising income due to Apple's privacy reforms to its mobile operating system and the migration of younger users to TikTok from Facebook and Instagram.

2) Do you agree that governments should prevent media conglomerates from becoming too dominant? Write an argument that looks at both sides of this debate.



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